MD of Mathematics teachers

Friends, you should love mathematics.
It is a very exact science,
It is a very strict science,
A very interesting science is mathematics!
Mathematics – the unshaken foundation of sciences,
and the plentiful fountain of advantage to human affairs.

Isaac Barrow

Twenty creative, purposeful, critical thinking and qualified teachers will help to improve your mathematics skills.

Twenty professionals are striving for continuous development. S.V. Yadrova is a teacher with rich professional experience who was awarded with an award pin “Honorable worker of Kazakhstan Education”.  Every teacher is striving to increase the quality of education, uses new teaching technologies and active learning methods.  Teachers conduct elective courses “Selected Mathematics questions”, “Applied mathematics”, “Geometry of triangle” and “Solving Olympiad Math tasks”. Teachers give an opportunity to start successful scientific careers, to conduct research, to write an article and to prepare a report for the conference.  Students also can try to participate in different Olympiad competitions at different levels.

Our teachers are always ready for collaboration and transferring their work experience.

The academic world is not only professional, but also spiritual. Our staff develops the best NIS traditions. We suppose that our respect for values is the best guarantee for friendly relationship amongst teachers. We take care of our students, they do all the tasks we ask, and we should sometimes be strict because they are our future. We hope that we are able not only to teach them to solve mathematical problems, but also to help them to be a person by our recommendations, deeds, and examples.

Zhanibek Khamitbekov

Head of Department

Maira Mussabekova

Stanislav Kozlovskiy

Gaini Elzhanova

Darina Zhusupova

Nina Lukina

Umitkul Iskakova

Yuliya Zloba

Issirgepova Nurbike

Kamazhay Rakhimgaleyeva

Aizat Zhetpisbay

Olga Sizova

Zhanagul Mazhenova

Bimarzhan Makhmutova

Rimma Utina