Shanyrak «Caspian»


Shanyrak «Caspian»

Teacher-organizer-curator:Romankulova Aigul Orazauhanovna

The motto of the shanyrak:

Білімнің шалқар бұлағы,

Көгімнің асқар шырағы.

Биік шыңға ұмтылар,

Біз Ыбырай, Ахмет ұрпағы.


Our shanyrak consists of 39 talented, gifted, interesting students. Even if they are different, they consider shanyrak as the second home.

Students of 11Е  аnd 12В   grades are well mannered, well-educated and interested in sport. They are always cheerful, try to achieve their goals, open something new and participate in different sport competitions. Some of our students usually take active part in Olympiads of Physics, Biology, but also present the school at scientific projects and olympiads

In addition, if there are any difficulties, they will always give hand to their friends and each other, as they are versatile, clever and kind students. They participate not only in the school life, but also in the city’s social work. Our shanyrak has friendly, united team.