“Akhmet Baitursynuly – Ult Ustazy”

On September 28, in honor of the 150th anniversary of Akhmet Baitursynuly, a film evening was organized. During the evening, students of the 7th “A” class got acquainted with the biography, work of Akhmet Baitursynuly. The children also watched an excerpt from the series “Akhmet. Ult Ustazy” and answered the questions of the quiz. In […]

On the Day of Knowledge – September 1, an hour of Shanyrak “Striving for knowledge, diligence and patriotism” was held for students in grades 10-12.

On the Day of Knowledge – September 1, an hour of Shanyrak “Striving for knowledge, diligence and patriotism” was held for students in grades 10-12. During the event, a meeting was organized with the director of the Nash Kostanay newspaper Zhabaev Askar Bolatovich, at which the role of the values of striving for education, hard […]

КВЕСТ ДЛЯ НОВИЧКОВ В рамках ознакомления с кружками и элективными курсами нашей школы был организован квест для учащихся 7 классов, который был подготовлен преподавателями дополнительного образования. Каждый класс получил свой маршрутный лист со станциями, где нужно было выполнить определенное задание, которое давало возможность заработать баллы и собрать пазл с ребусом. Педагоги оценивали учеников по нескольким […]

ЗИЯТКЕР ОҚУШЫЛАР ТІЛ МЕРЕКЕСІН АТАП ӨТТІ Еліміз Қазақстан халқы тілдері күнін бірінші рет қазақ тілі білімінің негізін салушы, ағартушы Ахмет Байтұрсынұлының туған күнінде атап өтті. Аталмыш мереке қыркүйектің 5-жұлдызында Қостанай қаласындағы физика-математикалық бағыттағы Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебінде атап өтті. Тіл – достықтың кілті, бірліктің бастауы, ұлттың жаны, әрі ары. Тіл жай сөз емес, өмірдің талай сынынан […]

STUDENTS PARTICIPATED IN MILITARY FIELD EXERCISES From May 20th to 24th, 2019, at our school was held a five-day field training exercise for basic military preparation for boys in grade 11. The morning for the high school students began with a ceremonial marching drill, the running of an obstacle course, and strength exercises. Then the […]

Alumni Planted Trees in the Alley of Graduates The future has begun today for the graduates of Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Kostanay. The time has come: exams have been completed, and all the graduates are awaiting their results. Before graduating from high school, the graduates and their parents decided to support the annual campaign. This […]

Aibol Akhmetov – Deputy director for finance affairs

Aibol Akhmetov                       Дата рождения       02.08.1991 г. Образование ·         Алматинская Академия Экономики и Статистики (2015-2017)Специальность: Экономика. Квалификация: Магистр Экономических наук;   ·         Инновационный Евразийский Университет (2010-2013) Специальность: Экономика. Квалификация: Бакалавр Экономики и бизнеса;   ·         Инновационный Евразийский Университет колледж (2007-2010) Специальность: Финансы, среднее специальное. […]


INTELLIGENT TRIATHLON On April 13, 2019, as part of the broadcast of the experience, students of the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Kostanay held an “Intellectual triathlon” for students of the fifth grade of the city schools. The purpose of this event is to promote intellectual sports, instilling a healthy lifestyle among children. “Intellectual triathlon” consisted […]


ONE STEP TO THE TOP! On April 12, our school hosted a regional scientific and practical conference “One step in research – one hundred steps in development”, which was dedicated to the day of scientists and the world day of aviation and Astronautics. The conference was attended by students of secondary and innovative schools of […]


NAURYZ “Nauryz” is a warm, Eastern holiday, which is considered the beginning of the new year, a symbol of renewal, purification, love and beauty. April 6, 2019 celebration of Nauryz unfolded on a special scale in the NIS PhM in Kostanay. The school yard on this day was decorated with national installations of life of […]


CHARITY CONCERT OF VIA “HARD CHORD” April 4, 2019 in the shopping center “MART” school VIA “Chord Chord” organized a charity concert to help their peers from the school №15 for the purchase of musical equipment. The concert program included well-known musical compositions: from world classics to rock, from pop to kui, from jazz to […]


MATHEMATICAL CASINO The tradition to celebrate the “Day of Mathematics” on April 1 has recently emerged in the Nazarbayev Intellectual school of physics and mathematics in Kostanay. This year, the teachers of MD mathematics held “Mathematical casino” for students of the 5th grade of secondary schools. The game was attended by 16 teams from 14 […]

Gold and silver!

Gold and silver! Students of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Kostanay won prizes at the Republican Olympiad on social and humanitarian subjects, which was held in the city of Kyzylorda. 1st place (gold) Isteliyeva Aida on the subject of English (teacher Zhanzakova A. M.), prize – the laptop. 2nd place (silver) Zhunussova Tomiris on the subject […]