The Regional August conference of pedagogical workers of the Kostanay region took place on the basis of Nazarbayev of Intellectual school Kostanay there on 15 August , 2017.  940 subject teachers of 5th and 7th classes of comprehensive schools took part in that conference.

The following issues as  “Features of the updated content of education”; “Features of criteria system of assessment”; “Training of teachers in the conditions of introduction of the updated content of education”; “A system and methodical complex – the instrument of support of teachers at introduction of the updated content of education” were discussed in a plenary part of an August conference.

According to the schedule, updated content of education in 2017-2018 academic year takes root in the 2nd,5th,7th classes all around the country.

Teachers of Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Kostanay held  “Features of new curriculum of 5th and 7th grade”, also the master classes on the usage of  assessment criteria at the lessons for comprehensive schools teachers.

For the purpose of methodical support of teachers at introduction of new programs, the System and Methodical Complex (SMC) platform – is developed online,  where  GOSO (state compulsory educational standart), TUPs (standart curriculum), training programs, medium-term plans, examples of the short term plans, methodical recommendations about assessment, samples of tasks, audio and video records, the presentations, didactic materials to lessons and academical and methodological complex (the textbook, a workbook, a management for the teacher).

Today more than 22 thousand didactic materials are in free access which teachers can download and use in practice.

Developers of programs for the 2nd, 5th, 7th classes prepared in total 123 videos on various subjects and sections of training programs.

Videos are loaded in the section “Video Records on the Updated Training Programs”.

There is a forum for teachers where they can ask questions  and receive competent answers from experts. It is created for discussion and exchange of opinions. It placed in special section – “Discussion platform”

The zone of downloading of all materials of an August conference is organized  fro all conferees.

In parallel with introduction of the updated content of education there is an approbation in initial classes on the basis of 2 pilot schools of the Kostanay region.

In 2016-2017 academic year for teachers of the “Sverdlovsk Secondary School of Altynsarinsky District”; “Secondary School #10 of Kostanay” Creative group of NIS have made 6 visits, 4 of them in pilot schools,  teachers of pilot schools visited our school twice. 47 events were held – 549 teachers took part.