On August 24 in Nazarbayev to Intellectual school of the physical and mathematical in Kostanay “Orientation day” has passed for parents and pupils of 7 classes who became owners of an educational grant of the First President Nursultan Nazarbayev “ORKEN”. Mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers of future seventh-graders were guests of that event.

Young intellectuals and their parents were warmly and joyfully met by curators and the Deputy Principal on Educational work Baytenova L.B.

Everyone could walk around the school and look at classrooms, library, the dining room, sports and assembly halls where they were met by teachers. Guests were interested in the system of teaching at school, in particular, her features in methods of teaching, assessment. Parents and their children have got acquainted with curators and teachers of future 7th classes.

“This event was held in the purpose of acquaintance parents and children to requirements and the system of studying in Intellectual school. Our educational process strongly differs from traditional education. We have more requirements, more active and rich life therefore tradition of school is holding this day.

Such meetings help school students to get acquainted closer with each other, because there are school students from the different cities and districts. Volunteers  among high school students help seventh-graders to join collective and school life. They play various games, communicate, perform sketches, study and participate in various events, plus teachers and curators help them to  organize a teaching process”. – the Deputy Principal Baytenova L.B.