The school library is an important part of the school infrastructure, the cultural and information center of the school, and the main component of the educational process.
It is not the service role that comes to the fore, but the creative, integrating, synthesizing role of the library. The modern school library is directly related to the development of the cognitive, intellectual, moral, spiritual qualities of the student’s personality. The school librarian promotes students’ critical thinking, informational and functional literacy, and research skills.
In the libraries of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, the best practices of school libraries in the USA, Finland, and South Korea are being introduced. School libraries are acquiring a new look – open, attractive to the reader.
The library of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School is constantly in the process of development and improvement. The experience, developments and achievements of Nazarbayev Intellectual School librarians can be very useful for application and implementation in the school library.
Mission of the Library
Ensuring the educational process and self-education through library and information and bibliographic services for students and teachers:
- Building the work of the school library according to the plan of educational work at school;
- Teaching readers how to use the book and other media, how to search, select and evaluate information;
- Improvement of traditional and development of new library technologies;
- Formation of the library fund in accordance with educational programs;
- Expansion of the range of library and information services;
Main functions
This is assistance to the educational process, introducing children to the values of world and national culture.
We conduct classes on mastering the skills of working with a book, obtaining information;
Organization of work with a book on extracurricular reading and to help conduct subject weeks;
Organization of visual propaganda within the walls of the library, at school, in classrooms, information about new arrivals in the library.
Educational work
Formation of the skills of an independent library user among schoolchildren; (training in the use of information carriers, selection, search and critical evaluation of information);
Formation of skills of work with the book;
Formation of the personality of students by means of cultural heritage (conversations, literary games, matinees, quizzes, literary classes;
Popularization of the best documents with library forms, organization of exhibitions and stands, cultural activities;
Extracurricular reading lessons (primary grades);
Creating a library asset and working with it;
Activities to help the educational process.
Work to promote library and bibliographic knowledge
Acquaintance of readers with the rules for using the library, acquaintance with the arrangement of the fund, familiarization with the structure and design of the book, mastering the skills of working with reference publications (dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.).