Last Sunday pleased residents of Kostanay with an unusual sight: about 50 bikers gathered in the square in the center of the city. So on the 1 October an eco-festival “Bicycle city -Kostanay” started.

The event was organized in the framework of the project “Your bike safe for the environment of your city and your health!”, based on the content of United Nations Development Programme – Global economics fund “Sustainable transport of Almaty” with the assistance of Public Fund “Akbota”.

The main purpose of the cycling festival is to attract people’s interest in the promotion of “eco-transportation” ideas, to spread it to the masses in every city of our great Motherland.

This day over 4000 people from different parts of the world participated in the festival. Of course, the most active among the participants were students and teachers of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools and the parents of the children who came to support their child and to express solidarity with the organizers.

In Kostanai the bike ride started at 10.00 am according to the pre-approved route, the length of which was 18 km. Cyclists had to overcome the way from the Nazarbayev Intellectual school to the city Center and back.

In the city centre cyclists were met by the creative team of NIS FMN Kostanai with a concert programme “For a clean environment!” and the Principle of the school- Sapakov D. N., who made a speech supporting the idea of promoting the Republican campaign to promote safe, health and environmentally efficient-economical transportation in the city and the country as a whole.